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Nexus 400 Bad Request

Resolve 400 Bad Request Errors When Deploying Artifacts to Nexus Repository

400 Bad Request Error

When attempting to deploy a snapshot artifact or version ending in -SNAPSHOT to a Nexus repository, you may encounter a 400 Bad Request error. This error typically indicates that the Nexus repository is unable to accept the deployment request.

Possible Causes

Several factors can contribute to a 400 Bad Request error when deploying artifacts to Nexus: * Invalid Version: Nexus requires artifacts to have a valid version. Versions ending in -SNAPSHOT are considered invalid for deployment to remote repositories. * Permission Issues: Ensure that the user attempting the deployment has sufficient permissions to write to the target repository. * Incompatible Repository Type: Not all Nexus repository types support the deployment of snapshot artifacts. Verify that the target repository is configured to accept snapshots. * Local Repository Configuration: If using a local repository, check the repository configuration and ensure that it is properly configured for the deployment. * Docker Login Error: When using Docker for artifact deployment, a 400 Bad Request error can indicate an incorrect Docker login.

Troubleshooting Steps

To resolve a 400 Bad Request error when deploying artifacts to Nexus, follow these steps: * Check the Artifact Version: Ensure that the artifact version is valid and does not end in -SNAPSHOT. * Verify User Permissions: Confirm that the user attempting the deployment has the required permissions for the repository. * Review Repository Configuration: Check the configuration of the target repository and ensure it supports snapshot artifact deployment. * Examine Docker Login: If using Docker, verify that the Docker login is successful and that the correct credentials are being used. * Inspect Nexus Logs: Examine the Nexus logs to identify any additional error details that may help diagnose the issue further.
