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Competition Law And Data Protection Law Mitigating Privacy Harms

Competition Law and Data Protection Law: Mitigating Privacy Harms

Challenges to Privacy in the Digital Age

The proliferation of digital technologies has led to unprecedented collection and processing of personal data. This has raised concerns about the potential harm to privacy. Competition law and data protection law are two areas of regulation that can play a role in mitigating this harm.

Competition Law

Competition law prohibits anti-competitive practices that can harm consumers. These practices can include: *
  • Exclusionary and non-exclusionary rebates
  • Exploitative abuse
  • Predatory pricing
  • Refusal to supply

Data Protection Law

Data protection law protects individuals' personal data from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, or destruction. Key principles of data protection law include: *
  • Lawfulness, fairness, and transparency
  • Purpose limitation
  • Data minimization
  • Storage limitation
  • Integrity and confidentiality

Intersection of Competition Law and Data Protection Law

Competition law and data protection law can intersect in several ways: *
  • Competition law can be used to prevent anti-competitive practices that harm privacy. For example, a dominant firm may use its market power to collect and process personal data in a way that harms consumers.
  • Data protection law can be used to protect privacy from anti-competitive practices. For example, data protection law can prohibit a firm from collecting or using personal data without the consent of the individual concerned.
  • Competition law and data protection law can be used together to create a more comprehensive framework for protecting privacy. For example, competition law can be used to prevent anti-competitive practices that harm privacy, and data protection law can be used to protect privacy from anti-competitive practices.


Competition law and data protection law are important tools that can be used to mitigate privacy harms in the digital age. By working together, these two areas of regulation can create a more comprehensive framework for protecting personal data and ensuring the privacy of individuals.
